Accelerating Renewables Uptake and Phasing Out Fossil Fuels

This program is designed to drive impactful change in the energy sector with a clear focus on accelerating the adoption of renewable energy resources and facilitating the phase-out of fossil fuels. Through strategic partnerships, data-driven research, and advocacy, we are committed to fostering a rapid shift towards clean and renewable energy solutions in a just and equitable manner. By actively engaging with policymakers, industries, and communities, we aim to create a greener, healthier, and more resilient Pakistan, where clean energy thrives, and fossil fuels become a thing of the past.

Within this program, we undertake a journey of accelerating green finance and financial realignment, steering investments away from coal and towards renewable energy. We pioneer forward looking policies and regulations, setting the stage for a renewable energy revolution through meticulous long-term planning. We encourage the private sector to lead the charge in corporate sustainability, propelling businesses as champions of environmental stewardship, urging them to steer the drive for renewable energy. We weave a fabric of collaboration, connecting diverse stakeholders to amplify sustainable impact and work together in crafting a just energy transition. Join us in this transformative journey towards a brighter and sustainable future for all.